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It's funky. It's complex. It's just right. A coffee that is wonderful by itself got that little extra with 48h anaerobic fermentation. Now this coffee can be overwhelming for some but if you enjoy a cup of coffee that brings a new flavor experience with every sip you make, you will surely adore it.

This coffee is roasted light to medium and just a bit more developed to showcase all the fruity goodness - perfect for all brewing methods.


Perfect for: Pour over (filter), Also works lovely as: Espresso, French Press, Aeropress, Cold BrewTaste notes: Raspberry, Pineapple, Red ripe fruit, Rose, Rummy and Winey

Variety: BourbonAltitude: 1580m – 2100mProcess: Natural 72h Anaerobic FermentationQuality score: 88.25Light roast

100% Arabica Coffee

Net weight: 250g

C1 Rwanda (250g Specialty Coffee)

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  • Impano experimental coffee is the result of the Gasharu farms curiosity to explore new methods of fermenting naturals to attain the best flavours and tastes. The final recipe of this coffee was selected after a series of trials in which the process was slowly refined and finally resulted in a complex and out-of-this-world flavour profile.

    Ireme goes beyond a simple cup of coffee because of the intentionally created fermentation medium that gives it a strong body and clear taste which provides a unique and memorable experience to coffee lovers.

    In addition to the unique taste, Ireme coffee demonstrates the willingness of the Gasharu team to enter the European coffee market with the most genuine quality coffee and their culture of establishing “coffee harvest resolutions” to continue improving quality through innovative processing methods and promoting sustainable and environmentally friendly practices.

    »Throughout the year, Gasharu Coffee holds small group meetings with coffee farmers to catch up on life, discuss the challenges in coffee farming and advise on the opportunities. Although my father Celestin is not an agronomist, he has always received calls from coffee farmers to advise on farming and processing because of his experience in farming, Now I have both the farming experience and academic training as an agronomist. I provide more scientific-based farming and harvesting guidance whenever needed. The processing at the washing station is carried out by young coffee farmers and the sorting on tables by slightly older coffee farmers, mainly women, providing them with more income.«
    - Valentin Kimenyi, manager at Gasharu Coffee

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